Inclusive Physical Activity in Schools
Delivered by Matt Brinkley, the founder of Making Fitness Accessible CIC, this Sport England and National Lottery funded 'Movement For Change' project is bringing inclusive physical activity workshops to schools across Essex and Suffolk.
The project is designed to engage all children, including young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), through a variety of fun and adapted activities.
These workshops feature Sensory Gym experiences and Fun-Fit games that are accessible to every child, regardless of their physical ability. A key aim of the project is to promote understanding and togetherness by teaching pupils how their peers with SEND can enjoy and participate in physical activity through adapted methods.
This project promotes inclusivity, teamwork, and physical well-being for all pupils.
Headteachers, Teachers, SENCO, please email matt@makingfitnessaccessible.com for an information pack.
Parents, please tell your schools about us.
Available to Mainstream and Special Educational Needs Schools.
The Project Numbers
Weekly Sessions
Target Participation
(per week)

Sensory Gyms

Make a booking
30 min
8.50 British pounds1 hr
15 British pounds30 min
25 British pounds